Jérémy Bonvoisin
Jérémy Bonvoisin
Sphera Solutions GmbH
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A systematic literature review on modular product design
J Bonvoisin, F Halstenberg, T Buchert, R Stark
Journal of Engineering Design 27 (7), 488-514, 2016
What is the “Source” of Open Source Hardware?
J Bonvoisin, R Mies, R Stark, JF Boujut
Journal of Open Hardware 1 (1), 18, 2017
Sustainable manufacturing: Challenges, solutions and implementation perspectives
R Stark, G Seliger, J Bonvoisin
Springer Nature, 2017
An integrated method for environmental assessment and ecodesign of ICT-based optimization services
J Bonvoisin, A Lelah, F Mathieux, D Brissaud
Journal of cleaner production 68, 144-154, 2014
Field of research in sustainable manufacturing
J Bonvoisin, R Stark, G Seliger
Sustainable manufacturing: Challenges, solutions and implementation …, 2017
Open design platforms for open source product development: current state and requirements
J Bonvoisin, JF Boujut
DS 80-8 Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineering …, 2015
An environmental assessment method for wireless sensor networks
J Bonvoisin, A Lelah, F Mathieux, D Brissaud
Journal of Cleaner Production 33, 145-154, 2012
Target-driven selection and scheduling of methods for sustainable product development
T Buchert, FA Halstenberg, J Bonvoisin, K Lindow, R Stark
Journal of cleaner production 161, 403-421, 2017
An implemented framework to estimate manufacturing-related energy consumption in product design
J Bonvoisin, S Thiede, D Brissaud, C Herrmann
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 26 (9), 866-880, 2013
How participative is open source hardware? Insights from online repository mining
J Bonvoisin, T Buchert, M Preidel, RG Stark
Design Science 4, e19, 2018
Sustainable manufacturing
R Stark, G Seliger, J Bonvoisin
Challenges, Solutions and Implementation Perspectives. Cham: Springer Nature, 2017
Standardisation of practices in open source hardware
J Bonvoisin, J Molloy, M Häuer, T Wenzel
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.07143, 2020
Current state of practices in open source product development
J Bonvoisin, L Thomas, R Mies, R Stark, K Samuel, R Jochem, JF Boujut, ...
21st International conference on engineering design (ICED17) 2, 111-120, 2017
Target-oriented modularization–addressing sustainability design goals in product modularization
FA Halstenberg, T Buchert, J Bonvoisin, K Lindow, R Stark
Procedia CIRP 29, 603-608, 2015
Design for energy efficiency: proposition of a guidelines-based tool.
J Bonvoisin, F Mathieux, L Domingo, D Brissaud
International Design Conference-DESIGN 2010, 2010
Measuring openness in open source hardware with the open-o-meter
J Bonvoisin, R Mies
Procedia CIRP 78, 388-393, 2018
Design principles for do-it-yourself production
J Bonvoisin, JK Galla, S Prendeville
Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2017: Selected papers on Sustainable …, 2017
Benefits and obstacles of sustainable product development methods: A case study in the field of urban mobility
R Stark, T Buchert, S Neugebauer, J Bonvoisin, M Finkbeiner
Design Science 3, e17, 2017
Implications of open source design for sustainability
J Bonvoisin
Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2016, 49-59, 2016
Limits of ecodesign: The case for open source product development
J Bonvoisin
International Journal of Sustainable Engineering 10 (4-5), 198-206, 2017
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Articles 1–20