David S. Batista
David S. Batista
Senior NLP Engineer @ deepset
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Cited by
Semi-Supervised Bootstrapping of Relationship Extractors with Distributional Semantics
DS Batista, B Martins, MJ Silva
Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing–EMNLP 2015, 499–504, 2015
Named-entity evaluation metrics based on entity-level
DS Batista
DISQUS, May, 2018
Geographic signatures for semantic retrieval
DS Batista, MJ Silva, FM Couto, B Behera
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, 1-8, 2010
Extracção de Relações Semânticas de Textos em Português Explorando a DBpédia e a Wikipédia
DS Batista, D Forte, R Silva, B Martins, MJ Silva
Linguamática 5 (1), 41--57, 2013
Where in the Wikipedia is that answer? The XLDB at the GikiCLEF 2009 task
N Cardoso, D Batista, FJ Lopez-Pellicer, MJ Silva
Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum for European Languages, 305-309, 2009
Toponym Disambiguation Using Ontology-Based Semantic Similarity
DS Batista, JD Ferreira, FM Couto, MJ Silva
Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language, 179-185, 2012
Large-scale semantic relationship extraction for information discovery
DS Batista
Ph. D. thesis, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal, 2016
Tracking politics with POWER
S Moreira, DS Batista, P Carvalho, FM Couto, MJ Silva
Program 47 (2), 120-135, 2013
POWER-Politics Ontology for Web Entity Retrieval
S Moreira, D Batista, P Carvalho, FM Couto, MJ Silva
Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops: CAiSE 2011 International …, 2011
The Geo-Net-PT/Yahoo! GeoPlanet (TM) concordance
JD Ferreira, DS Batista, FM Couto, MJ Silva
Named-Entity evaluation metrics based on entity-level. 2018
DS Batista
URL: http://www. davidsbatista. net, 0
A Minwise Hashing Method for Addressing Relationship Extraction from Text
DS Batista, R Silva, B Martins, MJ Silva
Web Information Systems Engineering–WISE 2013, 216-230, 2013
A statistical study of the WPT05 crawl of the Portuguese Web
D Batista, MJ Silva
FALA 2010 VI Jornadas en Tecnología del Habla and II Iberian SLTech Workshop …, 2010
Prospecção de Conceitos Geográficos na Web
DS Batista
Extracção de Relações de Apoio e Oposição em Títulos de Notícias de Política em Português
DS Batista
Linguamática 15 (1), 91-101, 2023
COMTRAVO-DS team at GermEval 2019 Task 1 on Hierarchical Classification of Blurbs
DS Batista, M Lyra
Document Analytics through Entity Resolution
J Santos, B Martins, DS Batista
International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, 531-534, 2013
REACTION at the Entity Linking task in KBP 2011.
DS Batista, S Moreira, MJ Silva, P Carvalho, FM Couto
TAC, 2011
Notas sobre a Realização e Qualidade do Twitómetro
B Afonso, D Batista, M Bošnjak, P Carvalho, P Correia, F Couto, J Dias, ...
Disambiguation using semantic similarity measures
B Behera, DS Batista, MJ Silva, FM Couto
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Articles 1–20