Augusto Damineli
Augusto Damineli
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The 5.52 year cycle of Eta Carinae
A Damineli
The Astrophysical Journal 460 (1), L49, 1996
Eta Carinae: a long period binary?
A Damineli, PS Conti, DF Lopes
New Astronomy 2 (2), 107-117, 1997
η Carinae: binarity confirmed
A Damineli, A Kaufer, B Wolf, O Stahl, DF Lopes, FX de Araújo
The Astrophysical Journal 528 (2), L101, 1999
The periodicity of the η Carinae events
A Damineli, DJ Hillier, MF Corcoran, O Stahl, RS Levenhagen, NV Leister, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 384 (4), 1649-1656, 2008
Recurrent X-ray emission variations of η Carinae and the binary hypothesis
K Ishibashi, MF Corcoran, K Davidson, JH Swank, R Petre, SA Drake, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 524 (2), 983, 1999
On the nature of the prototype luminous blue variable AG Carinae. I. Fundamental parameters during visual minimum phases and changes in the bolometric luminosity during the S …
JH Groh, DJ Hillier, A Damineli, PA Whitelock, F Marang, C Rossi
The Astrophysical Journal 698 (2), 1698, 2009
The Tarantula Massive Binary Monitoring-I. Observational campaign and OB-type spectroscopic binaries
LA Almeida, H Sana, W Taylor, R Barbá, AZ Bonanos, P Crowther, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 598, A84, 2017
The UV scattering halo of the central source associated with η Carinae
DJ Hillier, T Gull, K Nielsen, G Sonneborn, R Iping, N Smith, M Corcoran, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 642 (2), 1098, 2006
The Stellar Content of Obscured Galactic Giant H II Regions. II. W42
RD Blum, PS Conti, A Damineli
The Astronomical Journal 119 (4), 1860, 2000
Geometry and physical conditions in the stellar wind of AG Carinae
C Leitherer, R Allen, B Altner, A Damineli, L Drissen, T Idiart, O Lupie, ...
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 428, no. 1, p. 292-318 …, 1994
A multispectral view of the periodic events in η Carinae
A Damineli, DJ Hillier, MF Corcoran, O Stahl, JH Groh, J Arias, M Teodoro, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 386 (4), 2330-2344, 2008
Bona fide, strong-variable galactic luminous blue variable stars are fast rotators: detection of a high rotational velocity in HR Carinae
JH Groh, A Damineli, DJ Hillier, R Barbá, E Fernandez-Lajus, RC Gamen, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 705 (1), L25, 2009
X-ray spectral variation of η Carinae through the 2003 X-ray minimum
K Hamaguchi, MF Corcoran, T Gull, K Ishibashi, JM Pittard, DJ Hillier, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 663 (1), 522, 2007
Spectrophotometric distances to Galactic H ii regions
AP Moisés, A Damineli, E Figuerêdo, RD Blum, PS Conti, CL Barbosa
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 411 (2), 705-760, 2011
Kinematics and ultraviolet to infrared morphology of the inner Homunculus of η Carinae
N Smith, JA Morse, TR Gull, DJ Hillier, RD Gehrz, NR Walborn, M Bautista, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 605 (1), 405, 2004
Long-term spectroscopy of η Carinae-I. The high and low excitation phases
A Damineli, O Stahl, A Kaufer, B Wolf, G Quast, DF Lopes
Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series 133 (3), 299-316, 1998
O fascínio do universo
A Damineli, J Steiner
São Paulo: Odysseus, 2010
A Change in the Physical State of η Carinae?
K Davidson, J Martin, RM Humphreys, K Ishibashi, TR Gull, O Stahl, ...
The Astronomical Journal 129 (2), 900, 2005
The ASCA X-ray spectrum of η Carinae
MF Corcoran, R Petre, JH Swank, SA Drake, K Koyama, Y Tsuboi, R Viotti, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 494 (1), 381, 1998
Discovery of the massive overcontact binary VFTS 352: evidence for enhanced internal mixing
LA Almeida, H Sana, SE De Mink, F Tramper, I Soszyn, N Langer, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 812 (2), 102, 2015
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