Sezgi Biyiklioglu Kaya
Sezgi Biyiklioglu Kaya
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Shifting the limits in wheat research and breeding using a fully annotated reference genome
International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium (IWGSC), R Appels, ...
Science 361 (6403), eaar7191, 2018
Durum wheat genome highlights past domestication signatures and future improvement targets
M Maccaferri, NS Harris, SO Twardziok, RK Pasam, H Gundlach, ...
Nature genetics 51 (5), 885-895, 2019
Chromosome-scale genome assembly provides insights into rye biology, evolution and agronomic potential
MT Rabanus-Wallace, B Hackauf, M Mascher, T Lux, T Wicker, ...
Nature genetics 53 (4), 564-573, 2021
Long Non-coding RNA in Plants in the Era of Reference Sequences
H Budak, S Biyiklioglu Kaya, HB Cagirici
Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 2020
Hotspots in the genomic architecture of field drought responses in wheat as breeding targets
S Gálvez, R Mérida-García, C Camino, P Borrill, M Abrouk, ...
Functional & Integrative Genomics 19, 295-309, 2019
A large-scale multiomics analysis of wheat stem solidness and the wheat stem sawfly feeding response, and syntenic associations in barley, Brachypodium, and rice
S Biyiklioglu, B Alptekin, BA Akpinar, AC Varella, ML Hofland, DK Weaver, ...
Functional & integrative genomics 18, 241-259, 2018
Chromosome‐based survey sequencing reveals the genome organization of wild wheat progenitor Triticum dicoccoides
BA Akpinar, S Biyiklioglu, B Alptekin, M Havránková, J Vrána, J Doležel, ...
Plant biotechnology journal 16 (12), 2077-2087, 2018
Genome Sequence of the Wheat Stem Sawfly, Cephus cinctus, Representing an Early-Branching Lineage of the Hymenoptera, Illuminates Evolution of …
HM Robertson, RM Waterhouse, KKO Walden, L Ruzzante, ...
Genome biology and evolution 10 (11), 2997-3011, 2018
Intensive herbicide use has selected for constitutively elevated levels of stress‐responsive mRNAs and proteins in multiple herbicide‐resistant Avena fatua L
BK Keith, EE Burns, B Bothner, CC Carey, AJ Mazurie, JK Hilmer, ...
Pest management science 73 (11), 2267-2281, 2017
Assembly and annotation of transcriptome provided evidence of miRNA mobility between wheat and wheat stem sawfly
HB Cagirici, S Biyiklioglu, H Budak
Frontiers in plant science 8, 1653, 2017
Comparative analysis of coding and non-coding features within insect tolerance loci in wheat with their homologs in cereal genomes
T Muslu, BA Akpinar, S Biyiklioglu-Kaya, M Yuce, H Budak
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (22), 12349, 2021
Genome‐wide Excision Repair Map of Cyclobutane Pyrimidine Dimers in Arabidopsis and the Roles of CSA1 and CSA2 Proteins in Transcription‐coupled Repair
S Kaya, O Adebali, O Oztas, A Sancar
Photochemistry and photobiology 98 (3), 707-712, 2022
Pan-Genome miRNomics in Brachypodium
T Muslu, S Biyiklioglu-Kaya, BA Akpinar, M Yuce, H Budak
Plants 10 (5), 991, 2021
Global repair is the primary nucleotide excision repair subpathway for the removal of pyrimidine-pyrimidone (6-4) damage from the Arabidopsis genome
S Kaya, DE Erdogan, A Sancar, O Adebali, O Oztas
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 3308, 2024
Genome sequence of the wheat stem sawfly, Cephus cinctus, a primitive hymenopteran and wheat pest, illuminates evolution of hymenopteran chemoreceptors
HM Robertson, RM Waterhouse, KKO Walden, L Ruzzante, ...
bioRxiv, 380873, 2018
Genome-Wide Uv-Induced Dna Damage And Nucleotide Excision Repair In The Context Of R-Loops
S Kaya
Characterizing the potential interplay between nucleotide excision repair and R-loops
S Kaya, O Adebali
15th International Symposium on Health Informatics and Bioinformatics HIBIT …, 2022
The Gene Networks Involved in Wheat Drought Response
S Gálvez, R Mérida-García, C Camino, P Borril, M Abrouk, ...
Correction to: A large-scale multiomics analysis of wheat stem solidness and the wheat stem sawfly feeding response, and syntenic associations in barley, Brachypodium, and rice
S Biyiklioglu, B Alptekin, BA Akpinar, AC Varella, ML Hofland, DK Weaver, ...
Functional & integrative genomics 18 (5), 611, 2018
Pan-Genome Mirnomics in Brachypodium
S Kaya, H Budak
Plant and Animal Genome XXVII Conference (January 12-16, 2019), 0
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Articles 1–20