Eric Lajeunesse
Eric Lajeunesse
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Bed load transport in turbulent flow at the grain scale: Experiments and modeling
E Lajeunesse, L Malverti, F Charru
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 115 (F4), 2010
Spreading of a granular mass on a horizontal plane
E Lajeunesse, A Mangeney-Castelnau, JP Vilotte
Physics of fluids 16 (7), 2371-2381, 2004
Granular slumping on a horizontal surface
E Lajeunesse, JB Monnier, GM Homsy
Physics of fluids 17 (10), 2005
On the use of Saint Venant equations to simulate the spreading of a granular mass
A Mangeney‐Castelnau, F Bouchut, JP Vilotte, E Lajeunesse, A Aubertin, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 110 (B9), 2005
OZCAR: The French network of critical zone observatories
J Gaillardet, I Braud, F Hankard, S Anquetin, O Bour, N Dorfliger, ...
Vadose Zone Journal 17 (1), 1-24, 2018
Miscible displacement in a Hele-Shaw cell at high rates
E Lajeunesse, J Martin, N Rakotomalala, D Salin, YC Yortsos
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 398, 299-319, 1999
Turbulent mixing in the Amazon River: The isotopic memory of confluences
J Bouchez, E Lajeunesse, J Gaillardet, C France-Lanord, P Dutra-Maia, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 290 (1-2), 37-43, 2010
3D instability of miscible displacements in a Hele-Shaw cell
E Lajeunesse, J Martin, N Rakotomalala, D Salin
Physical review letters 79 (26), 5254, 1997
Cross-stream diffusion in bedload transport
G Seizilles, E Lajeunesse, O Devauchelle, M Bak
Physics of Fluids 26 (1), 2014
Small is beautiful: Upscaling from microscale laminar to natural turbulent rivers
L Malverti, E Lajeunesse, F Métivier
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 113 (F4), 2008
Interface instabilities during displacements of two miscible fluids in a vertical pipe
J Scoffoni, E Lajeunesse, GM Homsy
Physics of Fluids 13 (3), 553-556, 2001
On the tip-splitting instability of viscous fingers
E Lajeunesse, Y Couder
Journal of fluid mechanics 419, 125-149, 2000
Dynamic of particulate and dissolved organic carbon in small volcanic mountainous tropical watersheds
E Lloret, C Dessert, L Pastor, E Lajeunesse, O Crispi, J Gaillardet, ...
Chemical Geology 351, 229-244, 2013
Laboratory rivers: Lacey's law, threshold theory, and channel stability
F Métivier, E Lajeunesse, O Devauchelle
Earth Surface Dynamics 5 (1), 187-198, 2017
Understanding how volume affects the mobility of dry debris flows
L Staron, E Lajeunesse
Geophysical Research Letters 36 (12), 2009
Submarine canyons in the bathtub
F Métivier, E Lajeunesse, MC Cacas
Journal of sedimentary research 75 (1), 6-11, 2005
Bedload transport of a bimodal sediment bed
M Houssais, E Lajeunesse
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 117 (F4), 2012
Orography-driven chemical denudation in the Lesser Antilles: Evidence for a new feed-back mechanism stabilizing atmospheric CO2
J Gaillardet, S Rad, K Rive, P Louvat, C Gorge, CJ Allègre, E Lajeunesse
American journal of science 311 (10), 851-894, 2011
Flow pattern and sediment transport in a braided river: The “torrent de St Pierre”(French Alps)
P Meunier, F Métivier, E Lajeunesse, AS Meriaux, J Faure
Journal of Hydrology 330 (3-4), 496-505, 2006
Fluvial and submarine morphodynamics of laminar and near‐laminar flows: A synthesis
E Lajeunesse, L Malverti, P Lancien, L Armstrong, F Metivier, S Coleman, ...
Sedimentology 57 (1), 1-26, 2010
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