Paul Wassmann
Paul Wassmann
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Footprints of climate change in the Arctic marine ecosystem
P Wassmann, CM Duarte, S Agusti, MK Sejr
Global change biology 17 (2), 1235-1249, 2011
Food webs and physical–biological coupling on pan-Arctic shelves: unifying concepts and comprehensive perspectives
E Carmack, P Wassmann
Progress in Oceanography 71 (2-4), 446-477, 2006
Nature of phosphorus limitation in the ultraoligotrophic eastern Mediterranean
TF Thingstad, MD Krom, RFC Mantoura, GAF Flaten, S Groom, B Herut, ...
Science 309 (5737), 1068-1071, 2005
Food webs and carbon flux in the Barents Sea
P Wassmann, M Reigstad, T Haug, B Rudels, ML Carroll, H Hop, ...
Progress in Oceanography 71 (2-4), 232-287, 2006
Phaeocystis blooms and nutrient enrichment in the continental coastal zones of the North Sea
C Lancelot, G Billen, A Sournia, T Weisse, F Colijn, MJW Veldhuis, ...
Ambio, 1987
Future Arctic Ocean seasonal ice zones and implications for pelagic-benthic coupling
P Wassmann, M Reigstad
Oceanography 24 (3), 220-231, 2011
Retention versus export food chains: processes controlling sinking loss from marine pelagic systems
P Wassmann
Hydrobiologia 363, 29-57, 1997
Arctic marine ecosystems in an era of rapid climate change
P Wassmann
Progress in Oceanography 90 (1-4), 1-17, 2011
Borealization of the Arctic Ocean in response to anomalous advection from sub-Arctic seas
IV Polyakov, MB Alkire, BA Bluhm, KA Brown, EC Carmack, M Chierici, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 491, 2020
Evaluating primary and secondary production in an Arctic Ocean void of summer sea ice: an experimental simulation approach
D Slagstad, IH Ellingsen, P Wassmann
Progress in Oceanography 90 (1-4), 117-131, 2011
Mass sedimentation of Phaeocystis pouchetii in the Barents Sea
P Wassmann, M Vernet, BG Mitchell, F Rey
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 183-195, 1990
Variations in hydrography, nutrients and chlorophyll a in the marginal ice-zone and the central Barents Sea
M Reigstad, P Wassmann, CW Riser, S Øygarden, F Rey
Journal of Marine Systems 38 (1-2), 9-29, 2002
Spring bloom development in the marginal ice zone and the central Barents Sea
P Wassmann, T Ratkova, I Andreassen, M Vernet, G Pedersen, F Rey
Marine Ecology 20 (3‐4), 321-346, 1999
Nutrient cycling in the south east Levantine basin of the eastern Mediterranean: Results from a phosphorus starved system
MD Krom, EMS Woodward, B Herut, N Kress, P Carbo, RFC Mantoura, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 52 (22-23), 2879-2896, 2005
The contiguous domains of Arctic Ocean advection: Trails of life and death
P Wassmann, KN Kosobokova, D Slagstad, KF Drinkwater, RR Hopcroft, ...
Progress in Oceanography 139, 42-65, 2015
Seasonal variation in vertical flux of biogenic matter in the marginal ice zone and the central Barents Sea
K Olli, CW Riser, P Wassmann, T Ratkova, E Arashkevich, A Pasternak
Journal of Marine Systems 38 (1-2), 189-204, 2002
Modelling the ecosystem dynamics of the Barents Sea including the marginal ice zone: II. Carbon flux and interannual variability
P Wassmann, D Slagstad, CW Riser, M Reigstad
Journal of Marine Systems 59 (1-2), 1-24, 2006
Relationship between primary and export production in the boreal coastal zone of the North Atlantic
P Wassmann
Limnology and Oceanography 35 (2), 464-471, 1990
Abrupt climate change in the Arctic
CM Duarte, TM Lenton, P Wadhams, P Wassmann
Nature Climate Change 2 (2), 60-62, 2012
Physical constrains and productivity in the future Arctic Ocean
D Slagstad, PFJ Wassmann, I Ellingsen
Frontiers in Marine Science 2, 85, 2015
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