Bhabani Sinha
Bhabani Sinha
Professor of Advanced Computing and Microelectronics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute
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A survey on the channel assignment problem in wireless networks
GK Audhya, K Sinha, SC Ghosh, BP Sinha
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 11 (5), 583-609, 2011
Channel assignment using genetic algorithm based on geometric symmetry
SC Ghosh, BP Sinha, N Das
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 52 (4), 860-875, 2003
High-performance hardware implementation for RC4 stream cipher
SS Gupta, A Chattopadhyay, K Sinha, S Maitra, BP Sinha
IEEE Transactions on Computers 62 (4), 730-743, 2012
Fault-tolerant routing in distributed loop networks
K Mukhopadhyaya, BP Sinha
IEEE Transactions on Computers 44 (12), 1452-1456, 1995
Efficient algorithm for placing a given number of base stations to cover a convex region
GK Das, S Das, SC Nandy, BP Sinha
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 66 (11), 1353-1358, 2006
A new network topology with multiple meshes
D Das, M De, BP Sinha
IEEE Transactions on Computers 48 (5), 536-551, 1999
An energy-efficient communication scheme for wireless networks: A redundant radix-based approach
K Sinha, BP Sinha, D Datta
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 10 (2), 550-559, 2010
Coalesced CAP: an improved technique for frequency assignment in cellular networks
SC Ghosh, BP Sinha, N Das
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 55 (2), 640-653, 2006
An efficient sorting algorithm on the multi-mesh network
M De, D Das, M Ghosh, BP Sinha
IEEE transactions on computers 46 (10), 1132-1137, 1997
Fast parallel algorithms for binary multiplication and their implementation on systolic architectures
BP Sinha, PK Srimani
IEEE Transactions on computers 38 (3), 424-431, 1989
A new approach to fast near-optimal channel assignment in cellular mobile networks
GK Audhya, K Sinha, K Mandal, R Dattagupta, SC Ghosh, BP Sinha
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 12 (9), 1814-1827, 2012
An Improved parallel prefix algorithm on OTIS-Mesh
PK Jana, BP Sinha
Parallel Processing Letters 16 (04), 429-440, 2006
On an optimal algorithm for channel assignment in cellular networks
A Sen, T Roxborough, BP Sinha
1999 IEEE International Conference on Communications (Cat. No. 99CH36311) 2 …, 1999
Hamiltonian graphs with minimum number of edges for fault-tolerant topologies
K Mukhopadhyaya, BP Sinha
Information Processing Letters 44 (2), 95-99, 1992
DMCP: A distributed mobile charging protocol in wireless rechargeable sensor networks
A Kaswan, PK Jana, M Dash, A Kumar, BP Sinha
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks 19 (1), 1-29, 2022
Multi-Mesh-an efficient topology for parallel processing
D Das, BP Sinha
Proceedings of 9th International Parallel Processing Symposium, 17-21, 1995
Weed management practices in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
PK Mukherjee, S Rahaman, SK Maity, B Sinha
Journal of Crop and Weed 8 (1), 178-180, 2012
Implementation of four common functions on an LNS co-processor
D Das, K Mukhopadhyaya, BP Sinha
IEEE Transactions on Computers 44 (1), 155-161, 1995
CNS: a new energy efficient transmission scheme for wireless sensor networks
K Sinha, BP Sinha, D Datta
Wireless Networks 16, 2087-2104, 2010
On the distribution of runs of ones in binary strings
K Sinha, BP Sinha
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 58 (9), 1816-1829, 2009
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Articles 1–20