Tetyana Nychyporuk
Tetyana Nychyporuk
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Application of scanning thermal microscopy for thermal conductivity measurements on meso-porous silicon thin films
S Gomes, L David, V Lysenko, A Descamps, T Nychyporuk, M Raynaud
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 40 (21), 6677, 2007
Fractal nature of porous silicon nanocrystallites
T Nychyporuk, V Lysenko, D Barbier
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (11), 115402, 2005
Mesoporous Germanium formed by bipolar electrochemical etching
S Tutashkonko, A Boucherif, T Nychyporuk, A Kaminski-Cachopo, R Arès, ...
Electrochimica Acta 88, 256-262, 2013
Photoluminescence and optical absorption properties of silicon quantum dots embedded in Si-rich silicon nitride matrices
B Rezgui, A Sibai, T Nychyporuk, M Lemiti, G Brémond
Journal of Luminescence 129 (12), 1744-1746, 2009
Thermally induced Ostwald ripening of mesoporous Ge nanostructures
S Tutashkonko, T Nychyporuk, V Lysenko, M Lemiti
Journal of Applied Physics 113 (2), 2013
Photoacoustic characterization of nanowire arrays formed by metal-assisted chemical etching of crystalline silicon substrates with different doping level
P Lishchuk, M Isaiev, L Osminkina, R Burbelo, T Nychyporuk, ...
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 107, 131-136, 2019
Porous silicon Bragg mirrors on single-and multi-crystalline silicon for solar cells
II Ivanov, VA Skryshevsky, T Nychyporuk, M Lemiti, AV Makarov, NI Klyui, ...
Renewable energy 55, 79-84, 2013
Straining of monocrystalline silicon thin films with the use of porous silicon as stress generating nanomaterial
O Marty, T Nychyporuk, J de La Torre, V Lysenko, G Bremond, D Barbier
Applied physics letters 88 (10), 2006
Anisotropic heat conduction in silicon nanowire network revealed by Raman scattering
M Isaiev, O Didukh, T Nychyporuk, V Timoshenko, V Lysenko
Applied Physics Letters 110 (1), 2017
Nanoscale morphology tuning of mesoporous Ge: electrochemical mechanisms
S Tutashkonko, S Alekseev, T Nychyporuk
Electrochimica Acta 180, 545-554, 2015
Plasmon-enhanced nonlinear optical properties of SiC nanoparticles
Y Zakharko, T Nychyporuk, L Bonacina, M Lemiti, V Lysenko
Nanotechnology 24 (5), 055703, 2013
Kinetics of hydrogen generation from oxidation of hydrogenated silicon nanocrystals in aqueous solutions
G Mussabek, SA Alekseev, AI Manilov, S Tutashkonko, T Nychyporuk, ...
Nanomaterials 10 (7), 1413, 2020
Effect of total pressure on the formation and size evolution of silicon quantum dots in silicon nitride films
B Rezgui, A Sibai, T Nychyporuk, M Lemiti, G Bremond, D Maestre, ...
Applied Physics Letters 96 (18), 2010
Thermal conductivity of silicon nanomaterials measured using the photoacoustic technique in a piezoelectric configuration
K Dubyk, A Pastushenko, T Nychyporuk, R Burbelo, M Isaiev, V Lysenko
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 126, 267-273, 2019
Thermal conductivity of meso-porous germanium
M Isaiev, S Tutashkonko, V Jean, K Termentzidis, T Nychyporuk, ...
Applied Physics Letters 105 (3), 2014
Might silicon surface be used for electronic tongue application?
SV Litvinenko, D Bielobrov, V Lysenko, T Nychyporuk, VA Skryshevsky
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 6 (21), 18440-18444, 2014
Plasmon-enhanced photoluminescence of SiC quantum dots for cell imaging applications
Y Zakharko, T Serdiuk, T Nychyporuk, A Géloën, M Lemiti, V Lysenko
Plasmonics 7, 725-732, 2012
Enhanced Thermal Sensitivity of Silicon Nanoparticles Embedded in (Nano-Ag/)SiNx for Luminescent Thermometry
YV Ryabchikov, V Lysenko, T Nychyporuk
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (23), 12515-12519, 2014
Strong photoluminescence enhancement of silicon quantum dots by their near-resonant coupling with multi-polar plasmonic hot spots
T Nychyporuk, Y Zakharko, T Serdiuk, O Marty, M Lemiti, V Lysenko
Nanoscale 3 (6), 2472-2475, 2011
Thermal properties study of silicon nanostructures by photoacoustic techniques
K Dubyk, T Nychyporuk, V Lysenko, K Termentzidis, G Castanet, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 127 (22), 2020
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