Sunil K. Sinha
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X-ray and neutron scattering from rough surfaces
SK Sinha, EB Sirota, S Garoff, HB Stanley
Physical Review B 38 (4), 2297, 1988
Antiferromagnetism in La 2 CuO 4− y
D Vaknin, SK Sinha, DE Moncton, DC Johnston, JM Newsam, CR Safinya, ...
Physical review letters 58 (26), 2802, 1987
Neutron-Diffraction Determination of Antiferromagnetic Structure of Cu Ions in Y Ba 2 Cu 3 O 6+ x with x= 0.0 and 0.15
JM Tranquada, DE Cox, W Kunnmann, H Moudden, G Shirane, ...
Physical review letters 60 (2), 156, 1988
Power-law correlations and finite-size effects in silica particle aggregates studied by small-angle neutron scattering
T Freltoft, JK Kjems, SK Sinha
Physical Review B 33 (1), 269, 1986
Steric interactions in a model multimembrane system: a synchrotron X-ray study
CR Safinya, D Roux, GS Smith, SK Sinha, P Dimon, NA Clark, AM Bellocq
Physical review letters 57 (21), 2718, 1986
Structural phase diagram of the Ba 1− x K x BiO 3 system
S Pei, JD Jorgensen, B Dabrowski, DG Hinks, DR Richards, AW Mitchell, ...
Physical Review B 41 (7), 4126, 1990
Porous Vycor glass: The microstructure as probed by electron microscopy, direct energy transfer, small‐angle scattering, and molecular adsorption
P Levitz, G Ehret, SK Sinha, JM Drake
The Journal of chemical physics 95 (8), 6151-6161, 1991
Surface freezing in chain molecules: Normal alkanes
BM Ocko, XZ Wu, EB Sirota, SK Sinha, O Gang, M Deutsch
Physical Review E 55 (3), 3164, 1997
Magnetic order and crystal structure in the superconducting RNi 2 B 2 C materials
JW Lynn, S Skanthakumar, Q Huang, SK Sinha, Z Hossain, LC Gupta, ...
Physical Review B 55 (10), 6584, 1997
Antiferromagnetism in
JM Tranquada, AH Moudden, AI Goldman, P Zolliker, DE Cox, G Shirane, ...
Physical Review B 38 (4), 2477, 1988
Complete phase diagram of a charged colloidal system: A synchro-tron x-ray scattering study
EB Sirota, HD Ou-Yang, SK Sinha, PM Chaikin, JD Axe, Y Fujii
Physical review letters 62 (13), 1524, 1989
Space vector PWM control of dual inverter fed open-end winding induction motor drive
EG Shivakumar, K Gopakumar, SK Sinha, A Pittet, VT Ranganathan
EPE Journal 12 (1), 9-18, 2002
X-ray-scattering study of capillary-wave fluctuations at a liquid surface
MK Sanyal, SK Sinha, KG Huang, BM Ocko
Physical review letters 66 (5), 628, 1991
Automated detection of cracks in buried concrete pipe images
SK Sinha, PW Fieguth
Automation in construction 15 (1), 58-72, 2006
Surface crystallization of liquid normal-alkanes
XZ Wu, EB Sirota, SK Sinha, BM Ocko, M Deutsch
Physical review letters 70 (7), 958, 1993
Surface tension measurements of surface freezing in liquid normal alkanes
XZ Wu, BM Ocko, EB Sirota, SK Sinha, M Deutsch, BH Cao, MW Kim
Science 261 (5124), 1018-1021, 1993
Structure of aggregated gold colloids
P Dimon, SK Sinha, DA Weitz, CR Safinya, GS Smith, WA Varady, ...
Physical review letters 57 (5), 595, 1986
Is the nuclear spin-orbit interaction changing with neutron excess?
JP Schiffer, SJ Freeman, JA Caggiano, C Deibel, A Heinz, CL Jiang, ...
Physical review letters 92 (16), 162501, 2004
Ordering in two dimensions
SK Sinha
Geneva, Wis, 28-30 May 1980, 1980, 1980
Surface dynamics of polymer films
H Kim, A Rühm, LB Lurio, JK Basu, J Lal, D Lumma, SGJ Mochrie, ...
Physical review letters 90 (6), 068302, 2003
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